Friday, December 30, 2011

Sobering Moments on a Small Adventure

   After a long, lazy morning I finally decided that it was about time to head outdoors around 2pm. I had been watching the sun appear gloriously through my windows, only to be hidden again by rain clouds, several times this morning. When I first decided to go on a hike, I was stopped by the sound of hail on my skylights. So I determined that it would be wise to stay close to the apartment when the sun came out to play again. 
   I grabbed everything I might need quickly, as soon as the hail stopped. My gear included: gloves, an umbrella, a water bottle, a towel, my camera (of course), and The Hunger Games. Nothing extreme, just enough to aid me in finding a nice spot to perch in. I figured that I would be visited by the rain again, so I set out as soon as I could.
   I only made it as far as the train station across the street. I remembered seeing some corners near the platform that would be great to hide in. However, some local punks had already beaten me to each of the spots I had in mind. So, against my better judgment, I walked the path of the tracks and climbed onto an abandoned train. I found a nice spot on the back from which I could dangle my feet. It was covered, so I figured that it would do. 
   I spent the next two hours in utter bliss. I was delighted to read my book in private. Facing the hills and the old monument, I felt that I had the best spot in town. Every once and a while, I took a break from my book to watch the way the sun lit up the hills. Seeing the Black Forest that way was quite enjoyable. It was more beautiful than a painting. Yet, I think I felt this way because I was alone and I believed that moment to be for my own benefit. 
   I once read a journal entry that Laura had written in which she claimed the sunset to be a thing of beauty and an act of love, from God, particularly for her that evening.  At first glance, I felt that this was an arrogant reflection. Several years after her passing, I have found myself thinking similar thoughts. Tonight the sunset was for me. 
   I needed that moment. I spent the morning missing Laura. Unashamedly, I admit that I have listened to our Tailors Trail cd repeatedly every night, before bed, this past week. Last night I fell asleep to our last concert. The video brings me comfort, but it also brings me back to the sobering reality that this is not my home. 
Until I do see Laura again, I hope to absorb as many beautiful moments, such as these, as I can. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011


I have not been rich in money this Christmas season, but I have been quite wealthy in love and friendship.

This year God has been so very gracious to me.
So many very specific things had to happen for me to make it to Germany in time for BFA's first semester. I had to: finish all of my classes at CIU, pay off my personal debt, pack up or sell all of my belongings, and raise $10,000. All of this was on top of working hard for All American Imaging and saying goodbye to friends and family.
These seemingly impossible tasks caused me enormous stress, but God gave me the strength and the support to get through it. I'm here! I'm so thankful for everything that He has given me.

So, needless to say, once I got here I knew that I wasn't going to be able to afford to go back to the States for at least a year. While, I had embraced the idea of staying in Europe for the summer, I had not considered what it would be like to be away from home on Christmas. As Thanksgiving came and went, I began to feel the sadness of being away from my family. The feeling of being alone returned and I began having thoughts like, "why am I here?" again.

In my loneliness, I spent a lot of time walking around town listening to carols on my ipod and soaking up the true significance of the holiday. I was overcome with Joy daily at the thought of my incarnate Savior. Spending that time on my own was probably the best part of Christmas this year. I would not have spent that much time in worship and in prayer had it not been for living alone in Germany this Christmas.

Yet, God did so richly bless me with a great group of friends here who have shared so much with me. I have had great opportunities this Christmas that I never would have had if had not been obedient to God's call. Christmas markets in France and Switzerland, Christmas celebrations in downtown Kandern, a trip to the Alps, and SNOW!

So, how did I spend my Christmas Eve's Eve, Christmas Eve, and Christmas day?
I spent Christmas Eve's Eve, and the 2 days prior, in the Alps with friends. We didn't leave the Chalet very much, because of bad weather. So, we stayed in and played lots of games. It was such a relaxing time of fellowship with my co-workers! This trip would not have been possible without the hard work of those who planned the trip and the Chalet, provided by the Janz Team at an extremely cheap price. On Christmas Eve, I attended a candle light service at BFA, which was beautiful. Afterward, I spent some time with a great couple I have had the privilege of getting to know. We ate great food and watched It's A Wonderful Life. However, that wasn't even close to the end of my evening. I later joined 5 friends to settle in for the night. We had a big sleepover to celebrate Christmas and a friend's birthday. We cuddled up in the living room to watch the Muppet Christmas Carol and slept by the light of the Christmas tree.
I woke up early on Christmas morning and turned to the Word for the true significance of Christmas.
Micah 5, Matthew 1-2, and Luke 1-2 filled me with joy this morning! I didn't have a chance to turn there before everybody else woke up, but I was reminded of John 1. The Word had become flesh and dwelt among us! On this day we celebrate the coming of our Savior, who bought us with a very high price.
The 6 of us gathered around the Christmas tree and opened presents from each other and from the loved ones that we could not be with today. After a long breakfast, celebrating the birthday of our friend, we passed a Bible around and read straight through Luke 1 and 2. It was the perfect way to spend the morning! Even though I had been anticipating the Skype dates I had with my family, it was hard to leave these dear friends.
I spent the rest of the day on Skype with many of my family members and then had dinner with my German parents. Fondu was our food of choice. It's more of a Swiss tradition, but certainly worth observing here in Germany. My day has been full of love and merriment. I ended my Christmas with a good time of cleaning my apartment to the soundtrack of Michael W Smith's Christmas.

I will now slide into my bed and sleep well on this silent night.
Thank you for all of your prayers and messages.
I feel so blessed to have all of you in my life this year, no matter where you are in the world.